We are currently looking for dedicated pilots to join our Staff Team. Staff members must be active members within the airline, and be able to provide a few days a week to British Virtual Airways for responding to emails, answering questions on Discord or on the Forums, as well as required staff duties.
We are currently looking to fill the following positions:
HR Manager - Responsible for the hiring/termination of pilots. Also responsible for answering any questions related to the airlines operations.
Events Manager - Coordinate online events with VATSIM, IVAO, or PilotEdge. Responsible for creating graphic images to be used on our website, as well as our social media accounts to promote such events.
For more information, or if you're interested in these positions, please send an email to contact@britishvirtualairways.co.uk with your experience within the flightsim community and any staff positions you may have held at a previous airline. We look forward to hearing from you, and as always, thank you for choosing British Virtual Airways!